My name is Carlos; I am a 24 year old third year law student. I caught the travel bug when I was 20 years old and sailed around the world on the MV Explorer from Jan. 2008 to May 2008. It was the most amazing experience of my life. I learned a lot about myself along the journey, I don't know if I would have the passion for travel I do now if it was not for that experience. Ever since I can’t get enough, going so many places I would've never even dreamed just a few years ago when I was complacently trapped in my American bubble. In what is presumably my last summer of freedom before I become imprisoned by corporate America, I am embarking on a journey through South America. Mostly to become fluent in a language I should’ve been taught a long time ago as a child being half Puerto Rican, but also to see, learn, explore and grow in a way only possible through travel.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Missed My Bus, Midgets and Getting Ran Over By A Cabbie

            For my last night in Medellin we decided to go to Mango’s a club known for it’s plastically enhanced go-go dancers that gyrate on high podiums and for its midget employees.  At one point we were told we could toss midgets that wore Velcro suits to a Velcro wall, this turned out not to be true or I just totally missed it.  We got to the club to find out it was western themed however there was definitely no western music, salsa was blaring at thunderous levels.  Despite all the good reviews and the recommendations for this club it was not as packed as we thought for a Saturday night in Medellin.  We had a good group of 15 or so and just went to the dance floor.  We danced and partied till around 3:30 then some kids decided to go to the after party club but I decided to go back to Pit Stop because I had to be on a 5am bus to Cartagena.  Before I had a chance to fully get myself in the cab the cab driver started to drive off and somehow ran over my ankle.  Luckily I was not hurt and good to go.  I go back to Pit Stop asked for a wake up call and lets just say I didn’t get that wake up call.  Woke up at 9am and had missed the 5am bus, I assumed Chris who I was traveling with to Cartagena made the bus because I didn’t see him in the morning.  There are no buses after 7am till 5pm.  So I would only get 3 hours of daylight to see the Colombian landscape on the way to Cartagena.  This was the only bad thing about missing the 5am bus, as I wanted to see the landscape of the country.   The bus ride to Cartagena is anywhere from 12-15 hours.  Chris actually ended up not getting home from the club till after 7am so he missed the bus as well so we both took the 5pm bus.  The bus was around $55 and a flight would have been $200.  Taking the night buses however allow for you to get a free night of accommodation as you sleep on the bus and don’t have to pay for a hostel.  So even though I didn’t get the 14 hours of cool landscapes I saved an additional $12.

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