“Que Paso Ayer Parte II” (Hangover 2 en Espanol). Zach and I failed to realize how early one really needs to get to the movies in Colombia. Well the answer is definitely an hour or more in advance otherwise you will be waiting 2 hours for the next showing like we got stuck doing. So what began as a big FU to the expensive price of movies in the states didn’t last very long. Movie tickets are only about $5usd, which was awesome. However, we now had two hours to kill in a giant mall having not eaten that saved money was now lost. Of all places we ended up eating McDonalds was the one Zach chose ha, I can’t stand this place but it was the only fast food in the mall and it was quick and he was hungry now.
McDonalds is more expensive than the 2 course steak meals I have been eating up until now its ridiculous. $7 for my chicken nugget meal was ridiculous but I wasn’t going to eat one of their burgers. Luckily their was a big soccer, excuse me futbol match on, I really don’t give a rats ass the sport does not keep me entertained at all I didn’t watch the World Cup, I don’t care if it’s the worlds most popular sport I rather watch paint dry. But, the massive crowd that amassed around this one sports bar directly in front of the theatre and next to McDonalds was insane, it was as if every person in the mall found out the game had going into penalty kicks. When we first sat down there was maybe 100 people around, by penalty kick time and a matter of 15 min the crowd grew to like 400 with people chanting and singing their respective team songs. It was quite the spectacle and now I wasn’t so mad I had to wait two hours till the next showing.
However, once the game finally ended we still had an hour and a half till the movie so that wore off. We walked around the mall that lasted 20 mins got bored finally we decided to try and get a beer to kill time. The first 3 places we went to weren’t serving and we realized that it was because of the Colombian elections. But, we saw the sports bar by the theatre serving but they only had some $10 beer. Finally after 45 min we just decided to pay the $10 for the beer because we had nothing else to do. How stupid could we have been do you ask? Oh we are pretty retarded if I do say so myself only after ordering the overpriced beer do we realize as she’s pouring it says
So not only was the alcohol free beer double the price of regular beer it tasted absolutely disgusting, I probably could have pissed a better product. I don’t know why we assumed this bar got some special pass to serve, but it wasn’t an unrealistic thought when you see 50+ people drinking beer. Never in my life would I expect people to drink non-alcoholic beer in such numbers. Oh well lesson for sure learned. At least “Que Paso Ayer Parte II?” was awesome.
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