My name is Carlos; I am a 24 year old third year law student. I caught the travel bug when I was 20 years old and sailed around the world on the MV Explorer from Jan. 2008 to May 2008. It was the most amazing experience of my life. I learned a lot about myself along the journey, I don't know if I would have the passion for travel I do now if it was not for that experience. Ever since I can’t get enough, going so many places I would've never even dreamed just a few years ago when I was complacently trapped in my American bubble. In what is presumably my last summer of freedom before I become imprisoned by corporate America, I am embarking on a journey through South America. Mostly to become fluent in a language I should’ve been taught a long time ago as a child being half Puerto Rican, but also to see, learn, explore and grow in a way only possible through travel.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hostel Switch

       While Media Luna was an awesome hostel with a good party atmosphere there was no air conditioning.  Cartagena is nearly always 90 degrees or hotter with ridiculously high humidity.  Its near impossible to sleep without air conditioning even with the giant fan they had going.  One week of no sleep and trying to do homework for my class was enough.  So I packed up and moved to El Viajero in the walled city.  El Viajero is the same price as Media Luna with air conditioning and free breakfast included.  Definitely not the same party atmosphere but at least I was able to actually sleep now.  The wireless sucked however, which made online class difficult as I continually got logged out of class.  The tropical storms here are crazy.  I don’t think I have ever seen so much rain.  The hostel employee girls convinced a lot of people to just put on their swimsuits and go party in the rain, which was pretty hilarious.  Everyone was just partying in the pouring rain with reggaeton playing in the background.    

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